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Hours of operation


September ~ June

Monday - Friday

7:00 AM to 6:00 PM


June ~ August

Monday - Friday

7:00 AM to 5:30 PM

Summer camp 



 May 1, 2025



The Children's Club House is a loyal participant of the the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)

Breakfast, Lunch, Snack,

Infant Formula or Milk

No Cost To You!

ELRC 15 Subsidy Participants

If you are currently a subsidy participant, you must contact your caseworker in order to enroll your child in the program.



The Christian Academy

Edgemont Scholars Academy

Woodlyn Elementary


Community Charter

EAST Campus

Health Policy

Immunizations are required according to the current schedule recommended by the U.S. Public Health Services and the American Academy of Pediatrics,  


Every January, I check with the public health department or the American Academy of Pediatrics for updates of the recommended immunization schedule.


Our state regulations regarding attendance of children who are not immunized due to religious or medical reasons are followed. Unimmunized children are excluded during outbreaks of vaccine preventable illness as directed by the state health department.


Annual Student Health Assessment

Annual routine physicals are required according to DHS and the current recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics,


A copy of your child’s physical be must be received before your child begins the program.  It must be dated within 1 year; every 6 months for infants.


Families are responsible for assuring that their child’s physicals are kept up-to-date. Please submit a copy of the results to Ms Karla or Ms. Shakari.

COVID-19 Policy



AM Drop Off Curbside Service- All children will be received by staff outside of the facility to avoid traffic and help with social distancing.


PM Pick-Up Curbside Service-All children will be released to their authorized family member by staff outside of the facility to avoid traffic and help with social distancing.


Upon entering the facility, all staff and children will have their temperature taken daily, and taken every 2 hours thereafter. When exiting the facility, temperatures will be taken as an extra precaution.

Staff and children must wear their face masks throughout the day. - Disposable masks must be disposed of daily. - Cloth material masks must be washed daily.


Toys will be sanitized/disinfected repeatedly throughout the day, and at the end of each day.

Daily, the entire facility will be sanitized/disinfected repeatedly throughout the day.

We will continue to practice safe social distancing as much as possible.


Applying these new procedures was recommended by the CDC.
For any questions, please contact them at 1-800-232-4636 or visit their website

Friendly Note to Parents

Curbside Drop-Off & Pick Up only!

If you need to enter the facility for any reason, we kindly ask that you remove your shoes at the door or put on shoe covers. 


Your temperature must be taken and recorded, and you must wash your hands immediately in order to stay. 



The Children's Club House LLC.
1830 W. 2nd Street ~ Chester, PA 19013
School Office Phone 610-485-4090   School Director Phone 484-390-3169 
Monday - Friday 6:30AM - 6:00PM

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